GUKSA is engaged in the market of customer specific requirements (CSR) since the end of 2010 and supports suppliers in this subject. In our software solution CSR+ we prepare the various CSR-documents in a structured form for our customers so that they have the possibility to take care of the essential customer requirements.
Our figures grew from 200 documents (incl. 60 updates) in our administration in the year 2012 to the proud number of 1700 documents und 540 updates in mid 2016.
This trend of course reflects the growing number of customers and users. Started in 2011 with around 200 sites worldwide and 800 users, who worked successfully with CSR+, we can register on this date more than a doubling on around 525 sites and 2100 users.

This shows us that the subject of customer specific requirements gains more and more significance in the market and an increasing number of companies see the need to contemplate our software supported solution. The high number of CSR updates also shows a significant increase of customer requirements’ change cycles. At this point the changes of the standards ISO 9001:2015 and the already announced change of ISO/TS 16949 should be noted, which indicates an expectation for a far greater range of new and changed customer documents. This change of standards is not considered in the prognosis for 2017 and the according trend line; but an exponential rise of document updates is to be expected.
If you want to learn more about this topic, or you have the desire to set up yourself more securely in respect to customer specific requirements, then please contact us by phone or mail.