
>CSR+ Login
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This application only runs on Windows 7 or later with Microsoft .NET-Framework (Version 4.6.2).


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Applicable documents (AD) are documents that contain statements and regulations that are valid for the document under consideration (CSR) but are not detailed in the CSR itself, such as guidelines, standards and laws.

According to our cooperation partner Dr. Güneş from the law firm "Güneş & Hamdan Rechtsanwälte PartGmbB" as well as other experts, these are also to be considered as part of the contract with the respective customer.

Via the new >CSR+ function, we offer you a service by which applicable documents are determined for you and displayed in the software application. These include:

  • Other customer-specific requirements (CSR) and other customer documents (e.g. terms and conditions of purchase)
  • Regulations and guidelines (e.g. VDA 6.3, ISO 14001, etc.)
  • Laws (e.g. reference to REACH)
Applicable documents in the Catalogue overview

The overview of the applicable documents can be displayed via the catalogue overview as well as via the combination matrix.

In the catalogue overview, you can now determine the status of the applicable documents of a CSR at a glance using the corresponding icon.

If an e-mail icon is displayed instead of the document icon, no applicable documents are available for this document. By clicking on it, however, you can request the determination of these from us.

Applicable documents in the Combination matrix

In the combination matrix, you can display the overview of the applicable documents for a selected document via the corresponding icon. This is displayed directly under the title of the CSR.

Overview of the AD - Single documents

Click on the icon for applicable documents in the catalogue overview or combination matrix to open the corresponding overview for the selected document. The displayed AD are divided into three tabs according to their type.

Using the icon to the left of the listed applicable documents, you can see whether the documents are already analyzed in our database.
If necessary, you can request the analysis or the activation of a document with just one click.

Overview of the AD – Overall view of an OEM/customer

By switching to the parent tab in the overview of applicable documents, you can view all compiled AD of all customers/OEM subdivided by type.

Individualization through own types for AD

You have the possibility to set custom document types for applicable documents and thus adapt the overview to your individual needs.

Do you have more questions?

Simply contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will gladly answer any questions you have.





